Introducing: Real Estate Coin – Tokenizing Real Estate
Real Estate Coin (REC), built on the Solana blockchain, is a prototype designed to explore the relevance of an idea that addresses the complexities and high costs associated with traditional real estate transactions. If users support this prototype, the project envisions an innovative solution – the tokenization of real estate assets. This will allow users to easily buy, sell, and trade ownership shares through digital assets. Be part of the revolutionary real estate tokenization movement.
Solana Contract Address
Understanding REC Tokenomics
Our goal is to launch REC on major exchanges, allowing us to gauge public interest in advancing our vision. At the initial stage of token creation, we burned 100% of the tokens allocated to the project's liquidity. We will move forward with the project's implementation as soon as we see interest from each of you and will continue to support REC, believing that it will lead us to the realization of real estate tokenization. In the near future, anyone will be able to acquire ownership shares of any size, from 1 cm² to 1 km², anywhere in the world.

Solana Contract Address


Meet the Real Estate Coin Team REC

Trust the Experts. Our team brings together blockchain innovators and real estate professionals to deliver a groundbreaking solution. Learn more about their experience and passion.
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    Martha Burgess
    Financial analyst with over 10 years of real estate experience.
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    Edward Davis
    Blockchain developer with experience in building decentralized applications.
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    Brenda Williams
    Lawyer with many years of experience in property relations.